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We teach PSHE and citizenship mainly through the Jigsaw curriculum, a mindful approach.  This PSHE programme includes statutory Relationships and Health Education. We also develop PSHE and citizenship through various activities and whole-school events, e.g. the school council representatives from each form meet regularly to discuss school matters. Annually, we take part in a ‘Health Week’ where the pupils spend the whole week studying a range of themes.

Intent (What do we want the children to learn and why? What knowledge and skills are taught?)

As Jigsaw is a spiral curriculum, where topics are introduced and learning built week on week and year on year, the areas listed in the bullet points are or could be covered progressively throughout the lessons listed. For details of how Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, fully meets the DFE Statutory RSHE Guidance in lesson-by-lesson detail, please see our Jigsaw mapping documents.
The Jigsaw curriculum covers EYFS- Year 6 and focuses on six main areas:

  • Being Me in the World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me
Implementation (How are we doing it? How are the pupils going to achieve the acquisition of knowledge? How does the curriculum delivery this?)

Pupils receive a weekly PSHE lesson, delivered by the class teacher or a HLTA. Lessons will include steps to success and key vocabulary that children can refer back to during lessons to support their learning. Our sessions will allow children to build awareness and develop emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. These skills will be built in through games and activities that can be seen in the lesson plans. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus and self-regulation.
There is a clear progression throughout the year groups that build on previous learning (see skills progression document).


Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education in a comprehensive, structured scheme of work to support early years settings in fulfilling aspects of the expectations of the Common Inspection Framework in relation to Early Years.
Jigsaw provision is introduced in EYFS (see Jigsaw curriculum plan and skills progression).

Special Educational Needs (SEND) pupils: 

Lessons are adapted to enable all pupils to access their learning, including pupils with SEND.

Contact Us

1 Johnston Terrace Ope, Keyham, Plymouth, PL2 2EN

T: 01752 567649